UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Didier Drogba: Cluster Munitions

Soccer star Didier Drogba is a UNDP Goodwill Ambassador for the battle versus poverty and prevention of conflict. Involved by the unacceptable hurt that cluster bombscause to civilians, Didier Drogba has participated in advocacy efforts to prohibit cluster munitions. Familiar with the impact of war on people, families and communities in his individual nation, Mr Drogba has issued the following concept on cluster bombs: I hope that the international community, with the assistance of the United Nations, can consider this chance to make this dreadful weapon illegal, and in undertaking so give men and women and communities about the globe the opportunity to dwell in peace and prosperity. This video clip message from Mr. Drogba was also delivered to representatives of Govt and civil society at the African Regional Meeting on Cluster Munitions held in Kampala, Uganda in September 2008.